The Garrulous Jay – Reinventing Rosé

The Garrulous Jay – Reinventing Rosé

As the days begin to cool, the nights start to draw in and many of us return to work, September can often be a time of reflection. In my case it calls to mind many happy occasions when I’ve enjoyed a glass of pale pink wine with friends this summer. The reinvention of...
The Garrulous Jay – Checking The Bill

The Garrulous Jay – Checking The Bill

Last week’s King’s Speech included a proposal for a Pension Schemes Bill intended to deliver “better outcomes” for private sector pensions savers and “support the Government’s mission to deliver growth”. But the three pages of Briefing Notes beg many questions and...
The Garrulous Jay – Risky Business

The Garrulous Jay – Risky Business

Making any investment involves taking risk. Deciding on the level of risk one is prepared to take should therefore be the foundation of every investor’s decision-making process. Business success is often derived from taking risk, in a world that is itself a risky...
The Garrulous Jay – “Events, Dear Boy, Events”

The Garrulous Jay – “Events, Dear Boy, Events”

When asked what the greatest challenge was for any statesman, Harold Macmillan purportedly replied, “Events, dear boy, events”. Last night we witnessed a seismic if widely anticipated political event, as the British electorate ushered in the ninth post-war Labour...
The Garrulous Jay – The Rachel Papers [top secret]

The Garrulous Jay – The Rachel Papers [top secret]

For those of you who fancy a flutter on political developments I have good news… The Garrulous Jay has, through a secret contact known only as ‘JA’ (perhaps recently repatriated to Australia), obtained access to a top-secret draft paper from an email account belonging...
The Garrulous Jay – Birthday Bird-table

The Garrulous Jay – Birthday Bird-table

This week I celebrated my birthday so I hope you will forgive me the self-indulgence of writing about the wonderful gift I received from my colleagues, Fiona and James. As you can see from the photo, they gave me a magnificent new bird-table. They presented me with...